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“Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.” —Guillaume Apollinaire

In today’s fast-paced world, where every moment seems geared toward achieving the next big thing, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s truly important. Imagine the last time you paused to enjoy a quiet moment—perhaps the sound of birds in the morning or the warmth of the sun on your face. We need to remind ourselves to stop and savor the present. Too often, happiness is treated as a distant goal—something to strive for in the future—when it’s actually right here, waiting to be embraced in the now.

Happiness in the Present Moment

We tend to measure happiness by milestones—the dream job, the perfect relationship, or the vacation we’ve always imagined. But what if we considered that happiness is not a destination, but a collection of small moments in the present? Pausing lets us appreciate these moments that are otherwise overlooked: a warm cup of coffee on a chilly morning, laughter shared with a friend, or the calming effect of a walk in nature.

The Risk of Constant Pursuit

By always focusing on what’s next, we risk missing the beauty that surrounds us at this very moment. It’s easy to get lost in the pursuit, thinking that true happiness lies just beyond the next achievement or event. But this mindset keeps happiness forever out of reach. Instead, we can find fulfillment in the here and now by being present and letting go of the need to chase.

The Deeper Meaning of Pausing

Pausing encourages us to reassess our understanding of happiness. It implies that happiness is not something we need to earn or chase but is available to us whenever we choose to stop and appreciate it. The deeper meaning lies in recognizing that the pursuit itself can become an obstacle. When we are constantly striving for more, we are at risk of neglecting the simple joys that are already present in our lives. The relentless pursuit of happiness can lead to stress, dissatisfaction, and the inability to feel content with what we have. Instead, pausing allows us to reconnect with our true selves and the beauty of life as it unfolds in real time.

What We Should Change

To truly embrace this mindset, we need to shift our perspective. Instead of seeing happiness as an elusive prize at the end of our efforts, we should cultivate the habit of finding joy in the present moment. This means practicing gratitude for what we have right now, rather than focusing on what we lack. It also means embracing mindfulness and being fully present, whether we are working, relaxing, or spending time with loved ones. By consciously choosing to pause and appreciate the now, we can transform our relationship with happiness—from something perpetually out of reach to something we live and experience each day.

Embracing Mindfulness

Mindfulness is one way to embody this approach. Taking a moment to breathe deeply, observe your surroundings, and truly be—without worrying about what comes next—is a powerful act. It helps shift the focus from “doing” to “being.” It’s in these moments of being that genuine happiness can bloom, free from the pressures of constant pursuit.

Pause and Just Be Happy

So, let’s take this wisdom to heart: pause and notice the joy already present. It’s found in the simplest of moments, often in the spaces between all our striving. Happiness doesn’t have to be a reward for productivity or success—it can simply be the feeling of being alive, present, and grateful. Every now and then, we owe it to ourselves to step off the treadmill of life, pause, and just be happy.

Striving for tomorrow’s better YOU!

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