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“A New Year’s Day Awakening” by

The sun ascends, the night takes flight,
A new year’s dawn, a world alight.
Fresh air whispers, skies stretch wide,
A promise born with time as guide.

The echoes of the midnight cheer
Now softly fade, yet linger near.
The paths ahead shine bold and true,
A canvas bright, a hopeful hue.

Each breath we take, a step we claim,
Through shifting winds, through joy and flame.
We build today on dreams begun,
With strength renewed by rising sun.

No perfect plan, no flawless scheme,
Just open hearts and daring dreams.
We journey forth, each step our own,
A testament to seeds we’ve sown.

For wellness blooms where courage grows,
Where we embrace what life bestows.
TomorrowU, with steady hand,
Illuminates where we might stand.

A case study of one, we are,
Each finding light within our star.
We question, learn, and let things go,
Discovering ways to thrive and grow.

So on this day, we set our aim,
With hope as fuel and health our claim.
To rise, adapt, and journey through,
Striving for tomorrow’s better YOU!

Happy New Years Day 2025!

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